
Washington County Hospital and Clinics (WCHC) is expanding their service reach in Columbus Junction.

WCHC will assume operations of the Columbus Junction Clinic effective today after Mercy Services announced plans in late January to close the clinic February 28th. The WCHC Columbus Junction Clinic will be closed this week to prepare the physical space and provide staff with training on the hospital’s electronic medical record. The clinic will reopen to patients Monday, March 8th with expanded operating hours.

In a press release, WCHC CEO Todd Patterson said, “Transitioning this clinic under the WCHC umbrella will ensure the patients of Columbus Junction continue to have local access to healthcare. Columbus Junction has been a strategic area that WCHC has been evaluating for some time. The clinic is an important service to the residents of Columbus Junction as well as a referral point for the local hospital.”

Patients of the Columbus Junction Clinic will continue to be cared for by Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Danielle Woepking and the clinic will remain at 109 Walnut Street in Columbus Junction.