The Iowa High School Athletic Association has released a preliminary set of guidelines for the upcoming track season in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Social distancing will be required at all events with no hugging, shaking hands, high fives, or first bumps allowed. It is recommended that all coaches and participants wear masks when not competing. For shot put and discus, athletes will bring their own implement and retrieve after each throw. If the athlete cannot provide their own it must be sanitized between each use. For running events on the track, meet managers may use every other lane to assist in social distancing, blocks may be disinfected after each race.
Two rule change considerations are being discussed by the Association including glove use in relays and individual events and schools bringing their own batons.
Coaches are encouraged to communicate guidelines to students and parents, consider workout pods among members of the team, keep accurate practice records for contact tracing, and social distance when setting up team camps.
Students should wear their own workout clothing and not share, bring their own water bottles, remain upright in the finish line area when possible and have individual bags and locations for warm-up clothes without piling team clothing together.
For meet administration, facility sanitation guidelines should be enforced including locker rooms. Concession stands may be made available if they have been inspected and licensed. Admission may be taken using sanitation practices or a free will donation container. Department of Education guidelines should be followed for team transportation to events.
Spectators should adhere to social distancing guidelines and are strongly encouraged to wear masks. Press box areas are limited to essential meet personnel and media. Officials are encouraged to use an electronic whistle.
A full list of guidelines is available at iahsaa.org.