While there is no longer a state mask mandate in place, the Washington Police Department advises the public to respect requirements that are still upheld by some businesses and other buildings.
Washington Police Chief Jim Lester says his department has responded to some mask disputes at local businesses in the month since Governor Kim Reynolds lifted her mask mandate and other COVID-19 gathering restrictions. Lester says their response is typically educational, informing patrons that businesses have the legal right to require face coverings of its guests, “We respond as we’re called and the patrol officers do a great job in communicating those things to the patrons that are there that may be upset that they have to put a mask on or they don’t have a mask, or it’s frustrating because they may have to at one place but not another place and things like that. But we just reiterate that this is the business’ choice and it’s also your choice on whether or not you go to that business.”
Lester says if a patron not wearing a mask refuses to leave a business his officers may ask them to leave, or if the situation escalates further trespassing charges could be filed, which he says has not occurred yet. Lester reminds residents that city hall and the public library still require visitors to wear masks, and he asks that the public be respectful of others efforts to mitigate the pandemic.