The WACO School District hit a new benchmark for student and staff attendance related to COVID-19 earlier this week.
Superintendent Chris Armstrong says the school nurse reported there were zero positive cases and zero students quarantined for COVID-19 exposure in the district on Thursday, “That’s the first time we have had zero cases AND zero quarantines. We’ve had zero cases here for the last little bit of time, but we’ve still had quarantines from outside contact, so this is the first time probably since the pandemic started that we’ve had zero cases and zero quarantines.”
Armstrong says 51 staff members received their first dose of Moderna vaccine on February 26 with the second shot scheduled for March 26th.
Thursday, Highland School District had less than five students absent due to COVID-19 with no students absent due to quarantine. Mid-Prairie recorded less than six students absent due to COVID and 16 students absent for quarantine. Neither district reported staff members absent due to COVID or quarantine.