Washington County is receiving state funds to install centerline rumble strips on Riverside Road.
County Engineer Jacob Thorius informed the Board of Supervisors this week that he was notified they would be receiving $88,000 from the state highway safety improvement fund to put centerline rumble strips on the secondary road from County Road G36 to the English River bridge just south of Riverside. Supervisor Stan Stoops spoke in favor of this improvement to help motorists stay in the correct lane of traffic, which Thorius echoed, “It is a, you are correct Stan, a huge benefit for a variety of reasons whether you have issues seeing the road in normal conditions because of poor eyesight, or in poor weather conditions, or other circumstances where you may be driving when you maybe shouldn’t be. It might be a tool to help prevent a crash.”
Thorius adds that the Iowa Department of Transportation initially wanted the county to add these strips when they had applied for $500,000 to repave the road shoulders a few years ago, but Thorius said he pushed back as they couldn’t afford that. He estimates that the project will cost up to $95,000, and the county will be responsible for anything over $88,000. The supervisors approved the project, and they have until the end of fiscal year 2023 to use the state funds.