The Kalona Public Library is looking to increase patron access to their collection through technology upgrades with help from the Washington County Riverboat Foundation (WCRF).
The city council approved the library’s application for a $5,000 WCRF grant Wednesday which Director Trevor Sherping says would be utilized to address their digital and virtual access shortcomings made evident by the pandemic, “Since COVID started, we’ve noticed our technology is just not up to speed to meet the needs of the community. The big one is that we don’t have a lot of mobile technology that is up to par.”
Sherping says their technology upgrade will start with purchases of laptops, iPads and Kindles that can be used in the library or checked out. He says they eventually would like to have mobile hotspots for check out for patrons without internet access. He notes that 60% of the library’s print collection is now online.
Sherping says patrons are slowly returning to in-person usage of the library after relaxing COVID restrictions back in February. He says in the last three weeks, their door count for people coming into the library has increased by 40%. However, curbside checkout is still offered and has been made a permanent feature due to its popularity during the pandemic.