High schoolers interested in dual-enrolling for the Kirkwood Washington County Regional Center are recommended to apply by the end of this month.
Regional Center Director Tera Pickens says they are planning to hold all courses in person next fall, and she shares some upcoming changes for their career academy programs, “Now something new for next year with our liberal arts programming, we’re calling it a pick and choose experience. So we have several great classes that are fully transferable onto four-year university and colleges that these students can select from to complete their packaged academy experience. It’s like two courses for the fall, two courses for the spring, to round out that academy, whereas in years past we had already had those experiences prepackaged. So this is great students are loving that they have a little bit more flexibility in how they’re choosing those liberal arts courses.”
Dual enrollment is free for Washington County high school students, and besides earning college credits students can earn industry-recognized certifications for immediate employment opportunities. Pickens recommends students to first talk with their school guidance counselor and communicate with Ryan Ronan at the regional center to ensure they’re enrolling in courses that serve them best for the career path they’re pursuing. Registration is preferred by March 30th.