
The Washington County Board of Supervisors swore in the new District 3 Supervisor Marcus Fedler during their recent meeting.

They also approved setting a bid letting date for April 12th for a culvert replacement project on 128th Place north of Highway 22. The board also approved authorizing Paula Mitchell and Mark Culver from the East Central Iowa Council of Governments as alternate signatories for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funded activities in compliance with the State Historic Preservation Office and a certificate of compliance of CDBG procurement standards both on 4-1 votes with Fedler voting nay. The board later voted unanimously to support a Washington County Riverboat Foundation grant application from the ambulance service for a new emergency vehicle, and approved two personnel change requests from the ambulance service. Paramedic Branden Chiles’ last day of employment was March 3rd, as he has taken a full-time fire department position, and emergency medical technician Tanner Mingo is changing from full-time to regular part-time.