
Washington County 4-H is continuing to showcase the impact its program has made for area families with a new feature.

Their second Washington County 4-H Family Feature is the Conrad Family of Trevor, Ashley, Eli, Alex, and Isaiah. All three sons are involved with a 4-H or Clover Kid Club, and they became members after receiving information sent home from school and talking with a friend who was a volunteer. Ashley is now a volunteer herself serving on the 4-H & Youth Committee. The Conrad children have gotten involved in photography, woodworking, home improvement, showing goats and rabbits, and more. Ashley says that having her children in 4-H has opened the door to a wide variety of activities that pique all of their interests. Washington County 4-H looks forward to featuring new families each month, and are seeking nominations. You can hear from the first featured 4-H family, the Statlers, during today’s KCII Special Edition Ag Magazine at 1 and 6 p.m.