The Lone Tree School District has found its next superintendent.
The School Board approved the hiring of Kurt DeVore Thursday following a joint search conducted with Grundmeyer Leader Services Consultants which yielded 21 applications for the post. DeVore currently is the Decorah School District Central Office Administrator, working with building principals and grade-level teams at the elementary, middle and high schools while also leading the district’s technology integration the past 16 years as the Director of Information, Systems, and Instructional Technology. He’s scheduled to complete his Doctor of Education degree this winter at the University of Northern Iowa.
DeVore will replace current Superintendent Ken Crawford, who Lone Tree shared with the Highland School District for the past three years. In January, Crawford submitted his Lone Tree resignation effective June 30th, and Highland recently entered a sharing agreement with WACO Schools in which Crawford will spend 70% of his time at Highland and 30% at WACO.