An unexpected incident has caused the Washington Public Library to temporarily lock its doors to patrons this week.
Library Director Bryna Walker shares why the library had to close last Friday and Saturday, “The top floor, we sometimes call the atrium, it’s the study area. We’ve got a large decorative window, which actually it was safety glass, that somehow it got out of its tracks. It was shaken or something, rattled, and we noticed it was off track a little bit on Friday and had it assessed and it actually fell through. So it fell to the bottom floor through the hole from the top of the atrium area.”
No one was seriously injured from the incident, but the library did sustain significant damage. Walker says they are currently having everything appraised for damage repair, and many of the books in the adult and children’s areas were covered in glass and are not in a condition to circulate. The library is open this week for curbside printing, copying, and faxing, and they have reinstalled their doorbell for visitors to use. The third floor and several areas of the main floor will be blocked off until they can safely open them to the public, and curbside checkout will not be available until further notice.