The Iowa Department of Natural Resources advises spring turkey hunters to make sure you see an actual turkey before firing at it.
The second of five spring turkey hunting seasons for combination gun and bow licenses continues through Tuesday. DNR Conservation Officer for Washington and Keokuk counties Wes Gould says because turkey hunters are camouflaged while trying to lure the fowl closer with turkey calls, it can be misleading to other hunters, “Especially on public areas, but it can also happen on private property if more than one person has permission, is we’ll be sitting hunting turkeys and calling and we think we hear a turkey and get up and move towards that sound and unfortunately sometimes people get close enough, they think they’re right on top of that sound, but can’t see anything. We’ve had people shoot towards the sound and that sounds actually somebody else making a turkey call and that’s where most of our turkey hunting accidents have occurred.
Gould says unlike deer hunting, blaze orange apparel is not required for turkey hunting because turkeys will avoid the bright color. He advises to avoid wearing red, white, and blue, as those are the same colors found in a turkey’s head. Hunters who shoot a turkey are also recommended not to carry it over their shoulder to avoid people mistaking it for a live turkey and taking a shot.
Iowa’s next spring turkey hunting dates are April 21-27 and April 28-May 16 for combination gun/bow licenses. The season for resident archery-only licensed hunters is also open from now through May 16th.