Over 630 runners representing 18 states traversed in and around the city of Washington for the eighth annual Kewash Half Marathon Saturday.
This was the largest turnout recorded for the half marathon, 5K and 10K races which raises funds for various athletic and youth programs, and Wisconsin resident Matt Cooper broke the male record with a total time of one hour, six minutes, and 42 seconds, equaling a five minute and five second pace. Cooper received $1,000 as part of Washington State Bank’s record challenge. This year’s race was also an emotional one as the family of Mike Brinning, a former Kewash runner who passed away last year, spoke in his honor before the race, and the first mile was dedicated as a memory mile for Brinning. KCII helped provide a soundtrack to Kewash runners, playing music and broadcasting live with the Big Red Radio in Sunset Park.