
We’re nearing the end of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about sexual violence, educate communities on how to prevent it, and build prevention efforts throughout the year.

Washington County Attorney John Gish has been working with the Rape Victim Advocacy Program this month to educate residents on where and by whom sexual assault is commonly perpetrated. About three out of four sexual assaults go unreported to law enforcement and out of every 1,000 sexual assaults, 995 perpetrators will walk free, according to the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network. While Gish can’t illustrate a recent local trend in sexual assault reports or convictions, he notes a change in community partnerships, “What I can say affirmatively is that our relationships between my office, the Washington Police Department, and the Washington County Sheriff’s Office, and the Rape Victim Advocacy Program have really strengthened and I think that only goes to help victims of sexual abuse.”

RVAP Rural County Services Coordinator Deanna Hansen serves Washington and two other counties in the agency’s eight county area, and she echoes Gish’s thoughts, “In the counties where I have really good relationships with law enforcement and with the county attorney’s office we see a much bigger number of reports coming through, because when the leaders in the community believe victims they’re just more likely to come forward. And so we need to see that trickle-down effect though that it’s impacting people in the community as well, and that they’re knowledgeable on it. So then not only are they reporting it but then we’re getting more convictions.”

The public is encouraged to wear teal – the color of sexual violence prevention – during April to show support for survivors of sexual harassment and abuse. Washington County residents can seek free, confidential emotional support, accompaniment, information, and assistance from an RVAP advocate by calling their crisis line, which can be found in this story at kciiradio.com.