Washington-area residents shouldn’t sit on their talent for a fundraising event that’s a year in the making.
The Washington Chamber of Commerce along with the LET’s Center for the Healing & Creative Arts are hosting a Chair-A-Thon Auction to raise funds for community murals, the first that is scheduled to be painted this July on the east side of the State Theatre. Chamber Event Coordinator Alisha Davis says the auction was going to be held last summer but will now be held during the same week as the mural painting, along with some other community art events.
Davis is calling on artists of all ages to participate, “Basically you can take an old chair and repurpose it or paint it and then it’ll go to auction and the proceeds will go toward the funding for community murals, and the community mural project is something we’re really passionate about. We feel like it’s a great way to show off our community and get people to see things about our community that maybe they didn’t know.”
Davis mentions there are 30-40 chairs already entered into the auction, and submissions will be accepted through the end of June, and will then be displayed at the Washington Public Library in July until the auction at 6 p.m. July 29th in Central Park. Cost is $10 to enter, and for more information visit here.