The Washington Public Library has both virtual and in-person events for adults this week.
The monthly Sticks & Strings event will take place at noon this Friday in Central Park. The public is invited to bring their knitting, crocheting, quilting or other projects to work on, bring a lawn chair to social distance, and wear a face mask if you prefer. Library Director Bryna Walker says later that evening adults can log on to Zoom for an adult spelling bee, “This is an idea that we got from another library that had a lot of success with this and we find that spelling bees are fun in school but we never think of it as an adult activity and so we are going to do this and we have a list of easy words then some harder words and then very difficult words.”
The spelling bee will take place at 6:30 p.m. Friday over Zoom, and you can register by emailing tammy.valentine@washington.lib.ia.us or calling the library at 319-653-2097.