Those looking for a gift or an activity for Mother’s Day weekend can find both at the Washington Chamber of Commerce’s Craft Fair: Spring Edition.
This is the first year the chamber is holding a spring craft fair in addition to their decades-long tradition in September, and will take place from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. in Central Park with a rain date of Saturday, May 15th. Chamber Event Coordinator Alisha Davis says over 86 vendors are registered with food and beverage vendors for breakfast and lunch and children’s activities, “We’ve partnered with some of the retailers – Jaz It Up, The Village, Repurpose It, Earthly Blessings – and they are sponsoring this event and doing some fun activities on the bandstand. So Repurpose It is doing a kids Mother’s Day craft workshop at 10 a.m. on the bandstand, and then we’re going to do a spring fashion show at noon. So that’ll be featuring Jaz It Up and The Village and I think that’ll be really neat to see not only what you can shop for from the craft fair and the vendors that day, but also what our local retailers have to offer.”
The previously mentioned businesses will be holding special deals this Saturday, and the public can look for thrifty finds throughout Washington as city wide garage sales also take place that day. For more information on the craft fair visit here.