
Board Director Troy Suchan and Superintendent Willie Stone met in person while the rest of the school board met virtually during a special board meeting May 17th.

Face masks are no longer required inside Washington Community School District buildings or at school events following the school board’s decision Monday night.

A special meeting was held regarding mask requirements following a letter sent by Iowa Department of Public Health Director Kelly Garcia to school superintendents, child care providers and local public health departments last Friday that asks schools and child care facilities give parents and students the option to make their own decision on mask usage. The letter also states that schools and childcare facilities should approach COVID-19 like other child illnesses. Excluding those that are COVID-19 positive and symptomatic, exposed children should no longer be required to quarantine at home, regardless of mask usage.

Superintendent Willie Stone mentioned that 13 school districts in the Grant Wood Area Education Agency has made a decision regarding mask mandates, with nine lifting requirements and four keeping them. The board voted to lift the mask requirement for students and staff on a 5-2 vote with James Almelien and Sonia Leyva voting nay. Masks will still be required on school transportation, as a federal mandate requires masks on any form of public transportation.