Three businesses in the KCII-listening area were recently approved to receive awards from the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA).
Bazooka-Farmstar, LLC. was awarded $6 million in capital investment project tax benefits through the IEDA’s High Quality Jobs (HQJ) program for their 37,500 square foot expansion in Washington. The company is expected to create 30 jobs at a qualifying wage of $20.92 per hour. Continuum Ag in Washington developed software to keep track of field management and connect with farmers that are implementing sustainable practices. TopSoil, the proprietary software, imports soil data into a universal format to benchmark metrics, which offers growers a roadmap to soil improvement. The company was awarded a $100,000 Demonstration Fund loan for IP development and evaluation and marketing planning/entry activities. Mid-Am Building Supply in Mount Pleasant also received a capital investment of $8.6 million through the HQJ program, for construction of a new facility. The project is expected to create eight jobs, of which two are incented at a qualifying wage of $17.70 per hour.