Now’s the time to get registered for the Washington Public Library’s youth summer reading program.
Those in kindergarten through 12th grade can sign up for reading challenges, and in-person programming will be happening at Central Park across the street from the library weekly throughout June. “Reading Colors Your World” is the theme for this year’s program, which Youth Services Librarian Jenisa Harris says they will be emphasizing in many arts-related crafts and lessons. There will also be four free family events throughout June and early July with no registration required. The weekly programs and special events will be moved to Zoom in case of bad weather, but Harris hopes they can be held outside as they continue to take precautions against COVID-19, “I’m most excited to see kids in person. There’s something so fun about reading to them in-person, talking to them. Zoom is nice that we still have that tool but I can’t wait to see them react and hear them and just get to interact with them. So I’m really longing to read to kids in person and do some fun activities, it’ll be great.”
The public can register for the K-12 reading program by stopping by the library or contacting Harris at jenisa.harris@washington.lib.ia.us. Kids in 6-12th grade volunteers are also needed to help with these programs as well.