The Iowa Association of School Boards has designated May as School Board Recognition Month. Jeremy Gugel has served on the Mid-Prairie School Board since his appointment in August of 2019. He is currently president of the board. He spoke with KCII News this month about why he wanted to serve, the topics on which the board makes decisions, and his goals for the role of the board. “I’ve always been a person that believed being a part of your community is important. I think it leads to a strong community when we have good education. We focus on everything from paying bills to policy, to general fundraising requests, building projects. Our job is not to be involved in the day to day activities of the district but to guide with policy. What I hope is that we do the best thing for Mid-Prairie. Oftentimes that means listening to concerns and questions from community members. I believe we all have a great desire to continue to make Mid-Prairie the great school district it has been for years.”
The Mid-Prairie School Board meets bi-monthly during the school year and once per month when classes are not in session. Meetings typically begin at 6:15p.m. and follow a two-part format with a work session first to gather information and a business meeting portion that begins at around 7 p.m. where action can be taken.