Residents in the Washington Community School District are invited to learn about the two building project options for the middle school tomorrow.
The district is holding a community meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the middle school auditorium to discuss the two options that received the most votes in their initial online survey. Those are to build a new building on a new site or construct an addition onto the current high school and renovate the old part of the high school.
Residents are also encouraged to view information on the two options on the district website, which Superintendent Willie Stone explains includes tax implications, “The other thing it’ll do is it’ll talk about what it will do for people tax wise. We want to make sure we’re up front, like one option really virtually there shouldn’t be a whole lot of tax increase if any. The other option, there will be a tax increase because we’re going to try to raise $32 million, and we only have the capacity at 2.7 to raise about $24 million, at 4.05 we can do $34 million. So that new building, that will be a tax increase and we’ll show that to people of what that would look like for them.”
A new survey is currently open until June 9th at noon for residents to give their preference of the two choices. The school board is anticipated to confirm their final decision in June, and then organize a volunteer bond committee to gather petition signatures for a special election to pass a bond referendum on September 14th. For a link to the survey and information, visit here.