The Washington Summer Classic returns this weekend with its “Ridiculous Days” sidewalk sales event expanded to three days for the second year in a row.
Washington Chamber of Commerce Event Coordinator Alisha Davis says she is looking forward to the family activities and vendors returning this weekend, and she hopes the increased popularity of the sidewalk sales repeats this year, “Ridiculous Days has typically been just one day and last year we changed it to three days and spread it out among three days just to make the crowds more spread out and we decided that we were going to keep that because the retailers had record sales last year.”
The public can also come to downtown Washington this evening for the weekly farmer’s market from 5-7:30 p.m., and Thursday Night Live at the bandshell which will feature Henry Eicher at 6 p.m. and Johnny & the Quest at 7:30 p.m. The KCII Big Red Radio will be taking part in the Summer Classic fun with Family Day tomorrow and Ridiculous/Ag Day on Saturday.