
There are a couple days left for Washington Community School District residents to give their input on which middle school building option the district should pursue in passing a bond referendum this September.

A second survey is currently open for the public to give preference to one of two options that the district had narrowed down to after the initial survey. The options are to renovate an old part of the current high school building and add new additions, or to construct a new building on a new site. Superintendent Willie Stone says now is the time for the district to move forward from using a century-old facility, “I’ve said all along I don’t really care what we do, as long as we do something for kids. And that’s the exciting part is it looks like we’re going to be able to do something for our students and something that also follows into our community and follows into our parents and staff. So we’re excited about what’s going on and we’re excited about the possibilities of our future.”

The online survey is expected to close tomorrow at noon, and you can find more information on the two choices and the property tax implications by visiting here.