
The City of Riverside has unveiled plans in hopes to encourage local businesses and residents to improve the aesthetics of the town. The downtown business district incentive program hopes to provide financial assistance to commercial entities for the redevelopment or remediation of underutilized buildings. Building owners are encouraged to make positive, high impact visual improvements while maintaining the structural integrity of downtown historic buildings. The city will administer the fund to make grant monies available each fiscal year established by city budget and resolution, with maximum awards per applicant not exceeding $10,000. This is available to property or building owners in the business district only. The grant award cycle will be from July 1st through the 30th each year with applications submitted to city hall.

The community beautification incentive program focuses on residential properties with the goal of making high impact improvements. Maximum financial assistance per project is $2,500 as a matching forgivable loan. This only applies to residential properties within city limits. These programs will begin in fiscal year 2022. For a link to applications for the programs, visit this story at kciiradio.com. 

For Downtown Business Incentive Application Click Here

For Residential Community Beautification Incentive Program Click Here