
Dry conditions and warming temperatures gave farmers 6.2 suitable days for fieldwork last week, according to the latest Iowa Crop Progress and Condition report from the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service.

Some producers in the upper two-thirds of the state replanted corn and soybeans due to frost damage that occurred in late May. Corn emergence reached 96%, nine days ahead of the five-year average. Iowa’s corn condition rated 77% good to excellent. At 98%, nearly all of Iowa’s soybean crop has been planted, almost two weeks ahead of normal. Soybeans emerged reached 86%, nine days ahead of the five year average. Soybean emergence in southeast Iowa is slightly behind with over one-quarter of the crop yet to emerge, and soybean condition rated 73% good to excellent. Field activities last week also included spraying post emergence herbicides, side dressing nitrogen, baling cover crops, and harvesting hay.