Pepper is currently available for adoption from PAWS & More Animal Shelter in Washington.
This current string of high temperature days may have you jumping into the nearest body of water, but pet owners should be careful about cooling off their companions.
PAWS & More Animal Shelter Director Amber Talbot says the phrase “doggie paddle” doesn’t always come easily to canines, “We’ve actually seen a lot of drowning of dogs so if you’ve got small breeds or overweight breeds or just dogs that aren’t used to being out in nature or swimming in creeks or ponds that maybe don’t have the best physical endurance. If you’ve got an in-ground pool, making sure that those animals are monitored and not unsupervised around those areas, just like you would a small child.”
Talbot says those with a backyard pool or pond should be careful of dogs going near it and accidentally submerging. Dogs should get acquainted with water when they are young, and wear a life vest, though supervision should still be required. In addition to teaching them how to swim, dogs should be taught to swim to the steps of a pool when applicable, or owners should invest in a pet-safe pool ladder or ramp.