
A fun day of fishing awaits Thursday at Marr Park when the Washington Noon Kiwanis Club hosts their annual fishing derby for disabled adults. With nearly 70 years of tradition this event was a part of the Izaak Walton League and has since been transferred to the Kiwanis and Luke Horak. Horak describes the concept of a fishing derby, the tradition surrounding the event, and why it holds a special place for him. “It’s adults with disabilities, primarily from Washington County. They come in for a half day of fishing. Maybe they are just in wheelchairs, maybe they require complete assistance with walking. Generally, they are cane poles, we put a worm on it and hopefully they catch a fish. My Grandpa had Polio so he was paralyzed from the waist down. So he started this event in the early 1950s by reaching out to University of Iowa Hospitals. They brought a bus down. That’s how it all started. To see something like this continue on for this long is great.”

Approximately 125 to 150 adults participate annually, most of whom are affiliated with Washington County Development Center in Washington. Awards are given for the most fish, largest fish and smallest fish caught. Horak talks about the experience for the participants. “To see the community get together behind this and make it a reality for some of these folks is just great. Speaking with Dave Hoffman who runs WCDC, he says for many of them, this is their best day of the year. Everybody loves it. It’s a great time. I guarantee everyone leaves with a smile on their face.”

The event will take place from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Thursday with lunch to follow. If you would like more information, to volunteer or participate contact Luke Horak at 319-653-2116.