With only spotty rains across most areas of Iowa last week, farmers had six suitable days for fieldwork, according to the latest Crop Progress and Condition report from the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service.
Field activities included spraying post emergence herbicides, side dressing nitrogen, and harvesting hay. Crops showed signs of stress from the lack of precipitation and high heat. Iowa’s corn condition dropped seven percentage points from the previous week, rating 56% good to excellent, as farmers reported corn curling and ground cracking in some areas. Soybean emergence was 96% complete, one week ahead of the five-year average. Across the state 7% of soybeans were blooming, also one week ahead of normal, with scattered reports of soybeans setting pods. Soybean condition declined four percentage points to 57% good to excellent. Pasture condition dropped to 41% good to excellent, and high temperatures were stressful for livestock.