
The Washington County Fair is less than a month away and deadlines are approaching for livestock and other entries.

All livestock classes must be registered online by July 1st for the county and state fairs, and all non-livestock or static projects must be pre-registered by July 14th. Communication events must be registered by July 1st. Exhibitors are also being made aware of a special show happening at this year’s county fair. Washington County 4-H will be honoring the retirement of longtime sheep volunteers Dave Birney and Duane Sprouse with the “Ewe Raised Me Right” special multigeneration class on July 20th. Families who have worked with Birney and Sprouse through two or more generations are encouraged to contact Washington County Extension, and a lamb will be provided for those who don’t have a current 4-H member in the sheep program.

Need some guidance in preparing your project? Washington County 4-H is hosting a project preparation day from 4-7 p.m. Tuesday, July 6th at the extension office. 4-H’ers can get their projects evaluated by a judge, ask questions, and more. For more information on these events and getting ready for the fair, call the extension office at 319-653-4811 or visit here.