
Two special guests with Star Trek credentials will be attending Riverside’s 36th annual Trekfest this weekend.

Former actress Robin Curtis will be doing an autograph session at 6 p.m. tonight at the Voyage Home Riverside History Center. Curtis portrayed multiple roles in the Star Trek franchise including Lt. Saavik in the film Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, for which this year’s Trekfest gets its theme. She has spent over 20 years in acting roles spanning film, television, commercial campaigns, voiceover and theater. Curtis retired from acting in 1999 but still looks back fondly on the times she had with the original Star Trek cast, “Leonard Nimoy, single handedly, is one of the classiest and most generous actors and directors I have ever worked with. I shook his hand at the beginning of the shoot and I said, ‘You seem to think I know what I’m doing Mr. Nimoy but I really don’t.’ And he said, ‘I promise, Robin, I will take your hand every step of the way.’ The whole cast was very generous and engaging.”

Curtis will also be doing a question and answer session at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Riverside Fire Station with John Paladin, who owns effects makeup, video and audio production company, Paladin Productions Inc. His makeup expertise goes back over 20 years including being a personal makeup artist to J.G. Hertzler on “Star Trek: Of Gods and Men” and heading the special effects makeup on “Star Trek: Kitumba.” Paladin also appeared as a klingon in “Kitumba”. He is currently the convention makeup artist for Curtis, Hertzler, and others.

Curtis will also be in makeup and costume at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Riverside museum for pictures. 

KCII will be broadcasting live from 8-11:30 a.m. Saturday at Trekfest as part of the KCII Summer Town Tour. You can find a link to the festival schedule in this story at