Riverside celebrated their 36th annual Trekfest Friday and Saturday.
The weekend was filled with music, food, competitions and plenty of Star Trek-themed activities for all residents. Entertainment included live music at Hall Park from Rachel Baiman, David Zollo, Skarlett Roxx, Brutal Republic and Boot Jack Band. The weekend also included a showing of the film Star Trek III: the Search for Spock, and one of its stars Robin Curtis and special effects makeup expert John Paladin made appearances as guest speakers on Saturday. Curtis also gave fans a chance to interact with her in an autograph and picture session.
Returning favorite activities included the Trek for the Schools 5K, parade, demolition derby, and sand volleyball tournament. Kids were able to have fun of their own with inflatables at Hall Park, water fights, tractor pull and an 8U baseball tournament. The KCII Big Red Radio broadcasted live during Trekfest Saturday as part of the Summer Town Tour. The next stops on the tour are in Wayland and Wellman July 3rd for Fourth of July festivities.