Town celebrations, barbecues, and other gatherings are resuming this Fourth of July weekend as COVID-19 gathering restrictions have been lifted, but local law enforcement encourages caution to prevent any incidents from ruining the fun.
Agencies across Iowa are participating in the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign this weekend with officers exhibiting zero tolerance for impaired drivers. Washington County Sheriff Jared Schneider also advises motorists of all types of vehicles to be careful when it comes to driving around festivals and parades, “With some of the town celebrations going on it brings a lot more people to our communities. Some of those communities with the celebrations they like to run around on golf carts, four wheelers, things like that that might be allowed in some of those communities but we’re also making sure that they’re doing it in a safe way. That’s what we’re looking for, making sure that you’re following the laws that are in place and also that you’re doing it in a safe manner.”
Another concern of Schneider’s is consumer use of fireworks. He advises that those who suffer from asthma or respiratory difficulties should stay upwind from any fireworks going off and avoid areas of dense smoke, or limit outdoor activity. Adults should keep young children from playing with or igniting fireworks, and should keep fireworks pointed away from you and others when igniting them, and keep a bucket of water or hose on hand to respond to a fire. You should also avoid areas with trees, grass, or buildings that might catch fire, and dispose of unused fireworks carefully.