The Wellman-Scofield Public Library Director is stepping down this month.
Carol Wilkins has served as a part of the library staff for 11 years with seven of them as the director. Wilkins shares her thoughts on her transition into retirement, “I will miss a lot of people and a lot of the kids. But this is the sunset years of my life and I’m ready to enjoy those with my husband.”
She says that some of her favorite memories are watching the kids have fun, planning new programs for kids to enjoy, making the library a fun place to come to, and watching the kids grow up. Wilkins also plans to stop in at the library to visit and help with their expansion in the future.
July 16th will be Wilkins’ final day with Erin Campbell as her successor. An open house to celebrate Wilkins’ retirement and welcome Campbell will be held from 9 a.m.-noon July 31st.