Did you take up a hobby like gardening, baking, or quilting during the pandemic?
Those who’d like to show off their quarantine creations are encouraged to enter into the Washington County Fair Open Show. Committee Chairperson Karen Megchelsen says this is a special year as last year’s COVID-restrictive fair did not include the open show, “We’re really excited to have the open show taking place at the Washington County Fair this year. It’s a show that’s not just for 4-H members. Anyone can exhibit entries that include baked goods, canned goods, photography, art, textiles, quilts, flowers, plants, and vegetables, just to name a few.”
Those of all ages can submit their crafted goods including wood working, fruit, candy, and more from 3-5 p.m. this Sunday or 9 a.m.-noon Monday at the old school house located at the Washington County Fairgrounds. There is no fee to display items, though there is an entry fee of $.50 per item with a maximum of $7 for entries to be judged. Projects will be on display until 8 p.m. next Thursday, and special awards will be given. For more information on entry categories, visit here.