Those of all ages can enjoy a week of livestock and static exhibits and entertainment at the Washington County Fair kicking off tomorrow.
Tomorrow’s schedule includes a barbecue cookoff, truck and ATV mud drag, the 4-H and FFA dog obedience show, garden tractor pull at the grandstand, fair queen contest and more. After having the fair closed to the general public last year, the Washington County 4-H ELITE Project Team is excited to bring back the Little Hands on the Farm exhibit, which ELITE member Rob Taylor says will include chickens, chicks, goats, sheep, and pigs for children to interact with, “It’s when kids go through rotations. One rotation will be planting and then you are harvesting. The next one is animals, you talk about different types of animals. And then for every task they get money for and then when they go to the end they can buy rewards.”
ELITE member Anna Nafziger says those of all ages can enjoy Little Hands on the Farm, “I’m just excited to see all the people at Little Hands on the Farm and just interact with everybody who you don’t see on a daily basis.”
Little Hands on the Farm will be open from 4-7 p.m Monday through Thursday with special Kids Day hours from 9-11 a.m. Wednesday. If you’d like to volunteer, visit here. KCII will be broadcasting live from the Washington County Fair as part of the Big Red Radio Summer Town Tour, and you can find show results and further coverage by visiting our online fair page.