A bicycle ride that raises funds for sarcoma cancer research at the University of Iowa is returning with a bigger event than ever this August after a virtual ride was held last year.
The 17th annual Courage Ride takes place on Saturday, August 14th with two rides that will traverse through Washington County starting and ending in the cities of Washington and Iowa City. The ride was founded by Riverside residents Tom and Jackie Bailey, whose son Seth passed away after a battle with sarcoma in 2003. The event has been held in various locations around Washington County, and this will be the first year the ride uses the Kewash Nature Trail, just before the eastern portion is closed for a resurfacing on August 16th.
Event Director Leora Houghton shares why newcomers and returning bicyclists pedal to this ride, “It’s become a family over the 17 years. We have both sarcoma patients, sarcoma survivors. We have families of folks who’ve lost their battle with sarcoma, but they come back. They all come back because we have become a family of people who kind of know each other, care about each other. It sounds crazy to say in a big bike ride, but there’s a very loving atmosphere about the whole thing and a very friendly atmosphere with the whole thing.”
The event has raised over $660,000 for the Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center, and 2019 was their record-setting event with around 550 participants and $100,000 donated. Houghton is also impressed at the generosity of the rider community, as their virtual ride last year generated $50,000 for cancer research. For more information on Courage Ride click here.