
A Wayland author is holding a book signing at the Kalona Public Library this Saturday.

Former KCII employee John Bain recently published his first book, “Christie’s Journey: The Beat Goes On,” that details his daughter’s near-death experience and recovery. Christie underwent surgery in 2019 after going into cardiac arrest caused by her pulmonary artery being connected to the wrong side of her heart. The experience was very hard on the whole family but Bain explains how this book helped in the healing process, “For me it was very therapeutic, even though I didn’t know it at the time. But I definitely felt it was calling because of the way that things come together, it just really had to be.”

The signing will take place at 1 p.m. in the program room at the library. “Christie’s Journey: The Beat Goes On” is available for checkout from the Kalona and Washington public libraries and can be purchased at the Kalona Historical Village and through online booksellers.