
The Winfield Crooked Creek Days let freedom rock in their 2021 celebration.

“Let Freedom Rock” was the theme for the weekend in honor of the Henry County Freedom Rock in Winfield. A dedication took place Saturday night where people could come see the artwork of Ray “Bubba” Sorenson II and the honoring of Henry County’s connection to the armed forces. Other events highlighted throughout the weekend include the parade, 5k fun run, toilet bowl races, Might of the Crooked Creek Strength Contest, Revive 24:7 worship and movie night, “Ga Ga” ball tournament and the JR Hewitt Memorial Car Show. Winfield Deputy City Clerk Lisa Rees explains some of the difficulties behind this year’s celebration and how others stepped up to help, “We’ve had very generous donations made this year. We had a hard time getting a committee put together to plan the Crooked Creek Days this year. So everything was kinda pushed back in a later timeline so we didn’t get the fundraising and stuff done that they normally would have.”

KCII was broadcasted live from Winfield on Saturday as a part of the Big Red Radio Summer Town Tour. The last stop on the tour will be in Lone Tree for the Lone Tree Fall Festival on August 21st.