Washington-area youth have the opportunity to leave their artistic mark on a public building this fall.
The Washington Public Library has recently received grant funds from Walmart and the Washington, Iowa Betterment Foundation to paint a mural in their “rebook room” used book store, as well as purchase new furniture with the help of their teen advisory board. Bryna Walker with the library says they are asking those in sixth through 12th grades to submit a library or book-themed mural design, “So that will be a fun activity for them to do maybe during the month of August when they’re still waiting for school to start just to design something that’s book related and submit it and then we will have our art committee and our children’s librarians go through those and decide who gets that mural.”
Sketches are due to the library by September 1st. For information on other library programming this August, listen to this month’s Halcyon House Washington Page with Walker here.