
A second amendment “sanctuary county” designation was discussed by the Washington County Board of Supervisors Tuesday.

The board had a discussion item on a resolution that was proposed by Supervisor Jack Seward, Jr., reflecting resolutions passed in Hardin and Jasper counties. It states that Washington County opposes the enactment of any legislation or the issuance of executive order that would infringe upon the constitutional right of the people of Washington County to keep and bear arms. It also states that legislation of the United States Congress or Iowa legislature or any order promulgated by the federal or state executives that infringes upon the second amendment right shall not be enforced by any Washington County Sheriff’s Office or other county employee.

Seward claimed during the meeting that the resolution wasn’t this far reaching, “[It] has nothing to do with the impeding enforcement of current law. It has nothing to do with expanding anybody’s rights, it has to do with saying we respect the Constitution of the United States, we respect the Bill of Rights and we think that the laws that should come to us should come through the regular legislative process and not just through an executive order from on high.”

A few people spoke during the public forum of their concerns with what they called an “epidemic of gun violence” in the nation, and that this resolution would send the wrong kind of advertisement to those coming to the county. Supervisor Stan Stoops suggested that they contact Hardin and Jasper counties to see what has been the aftermath of their actions, and Board Chair Richard Young stated that an action item on this resolution will be on next week’s agenda. Read the full resolution below:
