The school year is just around the corner and that means sidewalks and school zones will once again be filled with students going to and from school.
Drivers are encouraged to take extra precautions when driving in or near school zones and looking for flashing street sign lights and buses notifying drivers when there’s a pedestrian trying to cross safely. Mid-Prairie Transportation Director Teresa Hartley acknowledges that not all kids will follow safety guidelines and encourages all adults to stay vigilant, “On the main roads kids don’t always look as they’re supposed to. We know they’re kids, that’s why it happens, so as adults we have to be more aware.”
Hartley later added that it’s important for parents to sit down and talk with their teenagers who are learning to drive and make them aware of the different hazards to look out for. Drivers should also take into account the increased foot and vehicle traffic in the morning and afternoon to prepare for any possible delay in travel.