Community members gathered Tuesday to celebrate the upcoming opening of a daycare center in Ainsworth.
Washington Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors, Washington Economic Development Group, Ainsworth City Council members and others took part in a “groundbreaking” ceremony for Little Ducklings Daycare, an in-home provider in Washington that will be moving into the former elementary school now known as the Ainsworth City Center. Little Ducklings Owner Trisha Morrison grew up in Wayland and lives with her husband and four children in Washington, where she has done in-home daycare for four years.
With a need for more daycare providers in the area, Morrison decided to start the process of opening a daycare center this past March, and she shares who have helped her along the way, “First I want to thank the mayor of Washington because I actually reached out to him and said that I was having trouble finding a building, did he have any ideas or where could I reach out to. So he actually got me in contact with Mary and Michelle and everybody at the Washington Chamber which is where it all kind of started. So I definitely want to thank the mayor and then all of the ladies and everybody that’s been helping me at the Washington Chamber has been absolutely amazing, and then the Ainsworth City Council for allowing me to take on this project and having full faith in me to be able to provide this for the community.”
Morrison is anticipating opening the center this September, and is licensed by the Department of Human Services to serve 49 children from newborn to school age with a before and after school program and hopes for a summer program. With Morrison renting six rooms, City Clerk Cheryl Smith says the Ainsworth City Center is now full as other rooms have been leased for city offices, a dance studio, musician and artist spaces, and more. The building has been owned by the city since 2017.