
The Washington County Board of Supervisors approved a contract to pave a business’ driveway in conjunction with a county road shoulder project.

The county has been awarded a $245,000 grant from the Iowa Department of Transportation’s Traffic Safety Improvement Program to pave the shoulders on the southern two-mile section of County Road W55, or Wayland Road, with a safety edge and edge line rumble strips. This grant will cover a portion of the work expected to commence next construction season. At Tuesday’s meeting County Engineer Jacob Thorius presented a contract for the county to pave a portion of the entrances to Eichelberger Milling, Inc. located on Wayland Road, with the business to pay 100% of the cost of the work.

The project is estimated at $55,000 to pave the south two entrances of the property from the edge of the shoulder to approximately the right-of-way line. Thorius commented that this improvement is desired as the feed mill typically sees over 100 trucks travel to and from during mid September to October. Once constructed, Eichelberger will be responsible for all future maintenance of the paved entrances. The supervisors approved the contract for the work expected to be completed in the fall of 2022.