
The start of the school year is right around the corner which means students of all ages will soon be taking to the streets in different modes of transportation.

Some of these students will be traveling by bike or walking to school instead of taking the bus. With increased road and sidewalk traffic and weather, there are many different considerations students and parents should take when considering walking or biking. Mid-Prairie Transportation Director Teresa Hartley gives advice for those who will be traveling in hotter weather at the beginning of the year, “We have paths that people can take to get to the schools that there’s crossing guards. So there’s an adult half way through most of these children’s paths so there’s someone to check in with if they’re really hot.”

Hartley later encouraged parents to send a water bottle with their kids when it gets humid in the first month of school and to also keep an eye on the weather throughout the day. She also added that parents should communicate with their children about after school activities or going to a friend’s house and making sure that they are not walking too far in warmer weather.