A new school year is approaching with the likelihood of new student drivers on the roads.
Washington Police Chief Jim Lester hopes everyone has a safe and successful school year, and advises all motorists to keep their eyes on the road before and after school, “Some young drivers, well even older drivers as well, put that phone down. Don’t answer that text message, maybe not make that phone call unless you can with a hands-free device while you’re driving. Young drivers especially can be distracted by a device, they can be distracted by other young people in the car. So pay attention to what’s happening in front of you, watch your mirrors and watch for the younger kids that are running to school.”
Motor vehicle crashes are the second-leading cause of death for U.S. teens, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Driver inexperience is a leading contributor to crashes and injuries for teen drivers, and crash risk is highest during the first months that teen drivers have their license. Lester urges motorists to buckle up, and be mindful during the first weeks of the school year of younger kids excited to get to school who may not always be paying attention to traffic around them.