
As school zones in the city of Washington will see a return of motor traffic next week, the Washington Police Department gives guidance on how to mitigate busy roadways and possible collisions.

Chief Jim Lester says the end of day period of 3-3:30 p.m. and early dismissal are prone to vehicle back ups at places like the intersection of East Jefferson Street and South 2nd Avenue. He recommends that drivers not arrive too early at those times to avoid congestion, “I would also encourage parents that are dropping children off at the elementary schools or the middle school to follow the school’s protocol and procedures for the pickup and drop off lanes. That’s important for us to maintain a good flow of traffic and limit a lot of congestion in those school areas, if the parents are following the protocols of the schools.”

Lester says his department strives to have a presence throughout the school district, as they patrol areas around the school buildings especially at drop off and pick up times. The officers also try to attend as many extracurricular activities as possible, and he hopes they will be able to visit the buildings during class time so students can see the officers in an informal fashion. You can hear more from Lester during today’s Halcyon House Washington Page on air and at