Everything was coming up roses for the Mid-Prairie FFA chapter at this year’s Iowa State Fair.
Several members of the Mid-Prairie FFA chapter competed in a handful of competitions over the past week. In the poultry show, Zoe Fisher finished as the continental and market turkey champion. In the swine show Shae Becker received reserve champion purebred market swine, Creigh Rourke exhibited the champion other breeds gilt, and Max Troyer showed the champion berkshire. In the breeding beef show Connor Shalla had the champion composite charolais heifer.
For floriculture Quinn Schmidt won the sweepstakes trophy, and was champion in petunia, champion and reserve champion in zinnia, and reserve champion in other submissions. Emma Bradley was petunia reserve champion, Eli VanRoekel was rose and marigold reserve champion. In horticulture Eli VanRoekel won the high point exhibitor award and finished as vegetable container display reserve champion. The chapter finished fourth in the overall supreme chapter competition.