
Spotty precipitation across Iowa allowed farmers 6.1 days of suitable fieldwork last week, according to the latest Iowa Crop Progress and Condition report from the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service.

Field activities included harvesting hay and oats, and producers were using the release of Conservation Reserve Program land for haying and grazing. The state’s corn condition saw no change from last week at a rating of 58% good to excellent. Corn in or beyond the dough stage reached 90%, six days ahead of the five-year average with 47% of the corn crop reaching the dent stage or beyond, four days ahead of normal. There were also scattered reports of corn reaching the mature stage. Soybean condition was rated 61% good to excellent, a three percent increase from the previous week. Soybeans setting pods reached 95%, eight days ahead of normal with five percent of soybeans coloring. Sudden death syndrome was observed in some soybean fields across the state. Pasture condition was rated 31% good to excellent. Water for cows and calves on pastures has become an issue as some creeks and ponds dry up.