Washington-area youth have a few days left to submit their original work of art for a mural installation.
With grant funds from Walmart and the Washington, Iowa Betterment Foundation, the Washington Public Library is hosting a mural contest to decorate their “Rebook Room” used book store. Youth Services Librarian Jenisa Harris says those in sixth through 12th grades are invited to submit a design, “The winner will get selected and Brandi [Glaspie] will help make the mural come to life, teach them how to make it larger. They’ll get to help paint it with the teen advisory board. I think it’ll be really cool, we’d like it library or reading themed but I’m just excited to see what kids bring and ideas they have and it’ll be really cool when it’s all finished.”
Sketches are due to the library by September 1st and the winner will then be selected by the teen advisory board.